Psychiatric Consultation
Psychiatric Consultation is a careful review of a patient’s situation by one of our staff psychiatrists. It would include a discussion of the patient’s symptoms, an examination of the patient’s mental state, and at times a review of previously carried-out medical examinations, psychiatric evaluations, and/or laboratory studies. The goal is to determine an accurate diagnosis and a suitable treatment plan. Sometimes this consultation would come as a request from another treating doctor for advice or suggestions, or it may come from the patient (or family) as a request for “a second opinion” when there is concern about whether the current diagnosis is correct or the treatment being offered is suitable. At the end of the consultation process further treatment may be carried out by the referring doctor, other clinicians, or by Wellsprings providers, depending on circumstances.
Individual Psychotherapy

Individual Psychotherapy is a treatment modality where a patient and a therapist talk together on a regular basis, looking at feelings and thoughts that are causing symptoms or problems in the patient’s life. During the treatment, the patient and therapist may explore historic and current relationships, transitions, phases of life issues and stressors. The treatment consists of using this information to understand ineffective or problem patterns of emotional and behavioral response and changing them for the better.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a theoretical orientation used for both individual and group therapy that focuses on the link between thoughts (“cognitions”), behavior, and emotions. Research has demonstrated that CBT is the most efficacious form of treatment for several psychological problems, including depression and many forms of anxiety including panic disorder, phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, and obsessions compulsions. Whereas traditional insight-oriented treatment works to help you understand the impact of your childhood experience on your current functioning, CBT is a present-focused approach to therapy and the emphasis is on understanding the thoughts and behaviors that maintain symptoms, testing out new behaviors, and changing your approach to your thoughts, either by challenging maladaptive thinking or learning to accept internal experience in a non-judgmental fashion.
Read more about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Mindfulness Based Therapy
With origins in Eastern-philosophy, mindfulness meditation techniques have been adapted for many non-religious and therapeutic purposes by mental health practitioners representing a variety of different theoretical orientations. Now considered an important aspect of CBT, mindfulness-based approaches have demonstrated efficacy in treating depression, anxiety, emotional reactivity, and certain personality characteristics.
Read more about Mindfulness Based Therapy
Couples Therapy
Couples seek help for any number of reasons and at any point in their relationship. Just like individuals, couples can run into trouble for a host of reasons and couples therapy can assist in helping sort through all sorts of difficulties. Sometimes couples therapy is short term and focused around specific issues, such as learning better communication strategies, adjusting to a life change (getting engaged, marriage, job changes, parenthood, moving) and at other times marital therapy is a longer term process within which couples explore complicated and painful issues which are interfering with marital stability. It is not unusual for couples to undergo enormous stress around the birth of a child and it is not unusual, here at Wellsprings, for couples to seek help due to the various issues that can arise in conjunction with that. Also, if a mother has experienced a post partum depression, her partner often needs help and support understanding what happened, what to expect going forward and how to support their partner. Sometimes couples therapy is sought in addition to individual therapy for one or both partners and sometimes it is the only source of intervention. The particular set of issues each person in the couple is dealing with dictates the most appropriate course of action.
Medication Management
Medication Management is provided by a medical doctor and is focused on the alleviation of biologically based psychiatric symptoms that interfere with functioning. After an individualized medication evaluation, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medication(s), review and monitor the therapeutic effects and possible side effects. The doctor may also order appropriate laboratory tests and/or refer a client to other specialists for further medical evaluation and/or treatment. Medication management is often conducted in conjunction with psychotherapy, provided either by the treating psychiatrist or by another mental health expert, in close collaboration with the prescribing physician.
Support Groups
Transitions to Motherhood Series 
This program is ideal for all new moms, The six-week series offers the opportunity to network and develop relationships with other new moms and their babies. Share your thoughts, experiences, and concerns about motherhood with other new moms who are going through the same experiences. Group discussion and educational topics provide tangible tools to help you transition into this new role by decreasing anxiety, stress, and depression, and increasing your confidence as a parent Clinical experts provide information on key topics, such as feeding and sleep, fussy babies, impact of baby on marriage, difficult emotions, and positive versus negative coping. Your new baby is part of this experience, so bring your baby with you. A clinical social worker will contact you before registration is complete to ensure that this class is best for you.
For more information regarding dates, times, and fee, call 1-877-926-4664. This group will be facilitated by a Wellsprings Health Associates licensed clinical social worker at Prentice Women’s Hospital (Northwestern Memorial Hospital).