12 Dec What are some effective evidence-based treatments for mood disorders?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Behavioral Activation (BA)
By Denada Hoxha, Ph.D.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a time-limited, structured, present-oriented therapy approach that was originally developed for treatment of depression and has been successfully used in treatment of other diagnoses including anxiety, substance abuse, eating disorders, bipolar, schizophrenia, and personality disorders (AT. Beck, 1967; A.T. Beck & Emery, 1985; A.T. Beck, Wright, Newman, & Liese, 1993; A.T. Beck; Fairburn, 2000; A.T. Beck, Rector, Stolar, & Grant, 2009; Freeman, Davis, & Associates 2004; Fairburn, 2000; Basco & Rush, 1996). According to CST model, our emotional experiences are influenced by our thoughts and behaviors and mental health problems emerge when people demonstrate maladaptive patterns of thinking and behavior. Additionally, from a CBT perspective, there is no one cause of mental health problems. Instead, the interplay among biological vulnerabilities, life stressors, maladaptive thoughts and behaviors, and intense emotional experiences, cause and maintain patients’ mental health problems. The goal of CST is to create a structured individualized conceptualization and treatment approach targeting maladaptive thinking and behaviors. CST approaches and techniques are specifically tailored to the needs of the client and goals of therapy include psychoeducation, symptom reduction, and relapse prevention.
Behavioral Activation therapy (BA) was initially used as a therapeutic approach to treat depression but has been adopted and used in treatments of other disorders (Martell, Addis, & Jacobson, 2001; Jacobson, Martell, & Dimidjan, 2011). BA is a focused, brief therapeutic approach that helps patients identify and address environmental sources of their depression. BA is an individualized treatment approach that helps the client and therapist identify and address problems associated with avoidance, goal identification and accomplishment. The primary focus of BA treatment is creating meaningful contextual environments for the individuals that facilitate positive reinforcement through mastery and pleasure while overriding passivity, avoidance, and other secondary problems associated with depression.